The Trans-continental pipeline on United States foreign policy and international events

Saturday, February 25, 2006

"Thank you, come again!"

...the immortal words of Apu from the Simpson's holds true...

India seems pretty enamored with President Bush on his recent trip to India and Pakistan except the Muslims, but what else is new? It is interesting to see how foreign countries percieve Bush. 66% consider George a "friend" whereas back in the United States, the approval rating hovers around 40-45%. And with Bush blessing outsourcing of jobs to India:

Mr. Bush also strongly defended the outsourcing of American jobs to India, which he described as the reality of a global economy.

"Losing a job is traumatic," Mr. Bush said. "It's difficult. It puts a strain on our families. But rather than respond with protectionist policies, I believe it makes sense to respond with educational policies to make sure that our workers are skilled for the jobs of the 21st century."

his approval rating may not get any better in the US on this issue.

But this is the absolute "cream of the curry" (terrible joke):

Is America a bully?: YES - 72 No - 24 Don't know can't say - 5

The aspect that also proved to be interesting was people supported India's stance with the United States on Iran, yet also approve and ignoring American criticism on the construction of a Iran-Pakistan-India natural gas pipeline. Is it because an actual democracy can take advantage of OPEC's number two exporter of energy?

And this is a great quote by Bush:

"Younger Indians are acquiring a taste for pizza from Domino's," Mr. Bush said.

Domino's Diplomacy... a big thumbs up to the adminstration's foreign policy.


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